Monsters and mirrors

Monsters! They are everywhere! We are all afraid of them. We are all fighting them, day in and day out. Ever since our childhood. Sometimes, we fight the circumstantial monsters. Sometimes, the ones which are created by us or those within ourselves. They exist deep inside our souls, leeching on our fear, makes us doubt ourselves. Now and again, they exist in the form of your frustrations which you discern around you. We are afraid of our fiddling helplessness. Either way, what you have to come to terms with is that, you can't avoid it. You can ignore it but you can't avoid it! There will come a time when you have to make a decision. Unfortunately, it leaves us with not much choices. There are only two. Either you eat them or get eaten. Either you armor yourself to take the fight upon them or let those fear and frustrations engulf you and eventually get imbibed into the ceaseless chasm of misfortunes.
You might think that making a choice will make it less trouble for you. You can't be more wrong. It will only get tougher as you go on. It's a never-ending battle. It doesn't matter what your choice is, either you decide to give up or fight on, it will be something you have to keep doing, till you breath your last. Giving up might look like the easy way out or the one, for which you never have to enter the battle-zone. Giving up comes from the notion that the world is unfair and you feel like the whole universe is determined on torturing you. Never ever it might cross your mind that perhaps, it's you who are both, the tormented and the torturer. Giving up leads you into a life which will be filled with regrets and self contempt.
We are living inside a world of obscure mirrors. In every other person you come across, you are searching for or what you identify is, your own reflection in them. You measure yourselves based upon those reflections, their success and their failures. Neither their success nor their failures, are yours. Nevertheless, you will feel that yearning to take them upon yourselves because you are uncomfortable with watching your reflections fighting their monsters, all the while you preferred to lament on your own choices and let those monsters eat you alive. When you look upon the mirror all what you see will be what you love and hate. Either you see how beautiful you are or how ugly you are. 
The choice to fight on is not easy, either. While you may be exempted from the feelings of remorse and self disdain, there could be other snags on the road. it's very likely that when you fight a battle for too long you might tend to forget who you are fighting and what you are fighting for. The worst is yet to come. When you fight someone too long, you tend to concentrate on their strengths and weakness more than yours. It will obliterate your own  virtues and vices and all that you could see will be the same of those, of your adversaries; the reasons and circumstances which will put you down and eventually you will get accustomed to those. That will not be the end either. When you fight someone too long, you might spend more time thinking about them, that, in time, you will fail to spot the differences and those same attributes of them which you were fighting all along will get muddled into your own and sooner or later you will concur their traits and become the same as them. That's the converse of you being tormented; that is, you turn into your own worst fear or enemy, maybe even a worse tormentor than the one you were fighting. It is said that, when you gaze too long into an abyss, eventually the abyss will gaze into you.
So, life is constant battle with those monsters. Success and failure, greed and benevolence, begrudge and contentedness, resoluteness and giving up.
However, you are thinking too much about the monsters and the demons within and around you. What you have not realized yet is that we are living in a mirror-world. Your worst fear and demons are not what you see in others. It's your own reflection, which you lack to see or too afraid to see in yourself and choose to see in others. They are all your own reflections created by you. In fact, they are all you!
There aren't a lot of monsters. There is only one monster with whom your battle is on, and it's not others or the reflections you see in them.
Only you know what or who it is, and you know who it is.


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