The Mansion

Chapter 1 : Una - Alden

Wake up! 
Wake up, Una!
Let's go for a walk!!"

That's what woke Una, up from her peaceful sleep. She was sleeping like a baby, her tranquil hibernation unperturbed. Without even having a dream to disturb her! That was something Una could never really experience. A dream. Maybe she did, just like every other normal person. That's what she always used to identify herself with. She would always say that she is as normal and equal as the next person. But, deep down she felt that she might be different, possessing something unique or different, or maybe it was just a feeling. Well, the thing about dreaming was one of the reasons she believed she could possibly be, after all, different from others. The thing with Una and dreams was that she barely had any nightmares. She mostly had, only the pleasant ones, even those she could scarcely remember. 

"Wake up, Una!"

That voice again! 
This time the voice has succeeded in shaking her off from her drowsiness and getting her eyes wide open. 

The voice was Alden's. He would visit Una almost every day. Mostly he used to visit her, either in the morning or in the evening. Usually they would grab a bite together and walk down the streets, often, talking about various topics. Life, death, passion, work, literally anything under the sun. 

Alden is the more curious one among the two. He was always inquisitive about a lot of things. There was not a single topic in this universe he was not interested in, or had a coherent opinion on. His most favourite topics for debate were psychology and human nature. 

Una was more of a silent one. One could say, she was a better listener. She had a firm grasp of things going around her. She loved their moments of discussions and arguments. Though, there was something she did not enjoy. That is, usually, when Alden would put her on a spot at times, with his arrogance or when he asks her to imagine herself as an example while discussing a situation. She did not like that. How he tries to win an argument by tapping her empathetic side or go full-blown crude, under the cover of being "honest" and eventually succeeds in it. Nevertheless, Una loved their conversations. She was so proud of him. How intelligent and knowledgeable Alden is. She admired his range of knowledge and the way he always had an opinion, no matter what the choice of topic was. It would be no lie that she did feel intimidated, at times, during their conversations. But generally, Alden has been nice to her. 

Not always though. 

"Get your lazy ass up, and let's get out!!"

Her stream of blurred vision and thoughts were cut off by those words. Awake completely from the vigorous shaking of her body by Alden, Una gave him a stare for disturbing her calm sleep. 

"What are you looking at?? Get up! Can't waste a good day by staying inside and being lazy! Let's go out and take a walk in this good weather".

Still, annoyed for getting cut off from her sleep, and sitting on her bed with all the vexation showing off on her face, Una glanced outside through her window. Almost immediately, a warm, agreeable smile spread on her face. 
Yes! He was right. It does look like a pleasant day and it should not be left to be wasted. 

"Next time, you do that to me, consider yourself a  dead man!", said Una, getting her grim face back. 

"And have yourself a lonely life. Don't forget that I am all you have!! If you kill me, it will as much be the death of "your life" too", riposted Alden, with a wide grin and a quick wink. 

"So, stop pouting and get ready asap, half of the day is almost gone while you are being infantile" 

Scrunching up her face, Una walked off to bathroom, to get herself ready to go out. 

"What a jerk!!"

Una, muttered while brushing her teeth. For all his knowledge and being an egghead, sometimes he does act like a dickhead instead, Una thought, which brought her the memory of the last time they both had an argument. 

It was during one of their walks. The topic of discussion had slipped into men vs women and equality. 
Una was arguing her case for women to be treated as equal to men. What has started as a normal discussion between the two, had soon turned into a steaming, sour argument. 

"I do respect women, and I agree that women should be treated equal to men", announced Alden! 

"Alright, then what is it that we are arguing about? It's the same case I'm putting in!", sneered Una. 

"! You're missing the point here. The keyword is "treated". Women should be "treated" as equal to men. That's what even you are making noise for. While I agree with the opinion that women should be treated equally, I would put it as that, it should be considered as a courtesy from men that you are "treated" equal to us and not exactly because women ARE equal to men", said Alden with a stoic face. 

Una was left with a perplexed face. She could not believe what she just heard from him - the "knowledgeable and intelligent" Alden. 

"You're such a dick", responded Una, "..and I don't want to hear another word about it from you. This is a huge disappointment, you know!?" shaking her head, trembling with rage!

"If women were equal to men, why almost every leader in the world - take any country, establishment or any field, for that matter, are men! While I agree that there are few outstanding women and there are exceptions, you have to agree that the history is mostly written and filled with men and their heroics", Alden was in no mood to steer away from the topic. 

"That's because each and every one of them was a dick like you!! And you're right, if not for the "heroics" of men we would have missed several wars and bloodshed! What a shame that would have been!" shrugged Una before pacing her walk. Her face turned red with anger and embarrassment of his obvious arrogance or ignorance! 

"Are you planning to join me for the walk in this life or the next?" Alden's voice once again interrupted her thoughts. 

"Damn it! Wait for a minute, alright?" Una shouted back while hurrying up. 

"Is it too late to go for a walk in this life?" asked Una with a sneer, coming out all ready to leave. 

" Nah! You made it just in time before my coffin arrived" said Alden, as they both laughed and stepped outside into the breezy weather.

Chapter 2: Walk, dream and a mystery.

The streets looked pretty that day. Una and Alden used to walk down every street in that place, forever. There is not a nook and cranny they were not aware of, or never been to. They lived in a friendly neighborhood. The people who lived there were nice and hardworking. Una liked strolling around the streets, watching people going about their daily lives, noticing their mannerisms, their behavior. It always amazed her - how every one looked living the same life, yet so different. It was a fascinating routine for Alden too. He paid attention to the minor details of everything, at times even leaving Una surprised at some of his findings.

"So have you come up with a decision!?" asked Alden, almost casually.

Una needed a second or two to come back to her senses and pay heed to the question thrown at her.

"I have.." answered Una. Then, clearing her throat and in a much more assured voice, she said " I think I have told you clearly, the last time. I did take the decision." pausing a moment, she continued "I want to be an artist. A painter. I want to join the art school and chase my dreams. It has always been my...."

"But you don't sound convincing to me." interrupted, Alden. "You see, I know you very well and I know that you love painting and stuff..."

"All the more reason for you to support me, my decision! You're the one who knows me better than anyone else in the whole world and if you think I am not convinced about the one thing I want to do with my life, you are not helping me, Alden" completed Una, without losing a breath!
She looked disappointed on how Alden was balking.

"No! You don't understand" replied Alden. "You do have my support. But I don't want you to jump into any decision unless you are very sure about it."

Una tried to explain herself but even before she could utter a word, Alden continued " Besides, you cannot take something like painting as a profession. It can be a hobby not a full time job. And you can do it all your life. Without having any pressure to make a living of it. Also, tell many painters have made it in their life?"

"It's not about making a life..." said Una in a rather soft voice, trying to get Alden to see her perspective.

"I know, I're going to say it's not about making a life, it's about living a life..blah blah blah...the usual cliches used by only two sets of people if you have noticed. Those who are born rich and those who are overambitious and finds it hard to match between their lives and dreams" continued Alden, thwarting Una's hopes of being understood.

A moment of silence passed between the two, as they kept walking, their pace slowing down, before Alden broke the silence in a much calmer voice.

"See, I know you want this and how much you love it. All I want you to do is, to give it a much more serious thought. You could very well be bored with it after a couple of years or even months. Be sure to differentiate between a hobby and something to make a living of."

Una didn't say anything. She lifted her head from looking at her moving feet to give a momentarily glance at Alden, bringing a wry smile and a nod to give some sort of assurance to Alden about his advice, before fixing her eyes at something distant, her mind crowded with a sense of being let down.

Alden noticed her saddened face. To lift her dampened spirits, he started talking again..
"Hey, I totally forgot!! What would you say if I tell you that I have found a street where we have never been?"

That caught Una's attention.

"A street around here where we have never been? Impossible!" dismissed Una, in an unamused voice. She knew what Alden was doing. He is trying to change the topic. To get her forget about what has just happened. He wanted to steer the conversation and her mind, away from the whole topic.

"No! I'm not kidding at all. I did find a street where we have never been. Even I was surprised when I discovered it on the other day while I was on my way back from work with Eldwyn" guffawed Alden.

Una was looking at him as if she pretended to say - No, I'm not taking your joke, but his expression got her confused. He is serious. Isn't he?,  thought Una.

"Okay! Then why don't we take that road and you show me your mysterious, non-existent street?" she said with a frowned brow to proclaim that she isn't falling for his bluff.

"That is exactly where I'm going to take you, right away." replied Alden in a very cheerful manner. He looked enthusiastic like a kid eager to show his new toy to his friends.

"To the mysterious street!" said Alden, motioning his hand as if he was welcoming her, beaming with excitement.

Una grinned at his animated antics, and they both picked up their pace, with smiles back to their faces, they walked down the street on their journey to Alden's "mysterious street".

Chapter 3: "Are you unhappy?" Mystery grows!!

"No way!!" exclaimed Una!

Alden was right after all. They have never been to this street. She has never even heard of this street before. The place looked too good to be true. It looked glowing. The houses were all built in the same structure, but painted differently to each other. She also noticed a peculiar thing. Most of the houses in the street did not have a window. Also, the few people who were walking around looked very serious or rather unamused. She felt a mismatch between the colourful houses and the dull faces. It is quite mysterious, she thought.

All the same, Alden seemed like he was enjoying showing off his new discovery and was describing about the structures of the buildings and houses to Una. While being completely overwhelmed with the whole new environment and the indifferent atmosphere, she only nodded to his discerns.

"Don't you think it's odd that these people have funny faces!?" asked Una.

"Funny faces!? What do you mean!?" Alden looked baffled at her question.

"Well, I don't know...but these people look like they don't belong in here. I mean, they all look wealthy or fine to start with, but there is something about their personas that isn't quite adding up to the nature of the beauty of these buildings and houses!" explained Una.

"Moreover, haven't you noticed that they barely have a window in most of these houses!? What are they doing inside, I wonder! Are they suffocating themselves or their kids inside?" Una went on to lay her findings on Alden.

Then she noticed that, now Alden is having a funny face. He had a startled look on his face with his jaw dropped. Then he began to chuckle.

"Oh my...Una, Una, Una...sweet girl, what is wrong with you? I bring you to the most beautiful neighborhood and all you can see and think of, is about "funny faces" and "suffocation"?? You're really turning monotonous these days!" suggested Alden.

Now, it was Una's turn to have the startled, funny face!

"Come on! Tell me, isn't this the most beautiful street you ever seen in your life!? Don't argue on that to me!? voiced Alden.

"Technically....yes!" agreed Una.

"But, still it will be astonishing to me if you say that you haven't noticed what I indicated" she divulged her astonishment.

"No! They look perfectly fine to me. Just because they aren't dancing around the streets or laughing out loud, doesn't make it to count that they aren't happy! That's kind of a prejudiced statement coming from you" said Alden expressing his disagreement.

"...also you don't dance or laugh out loud often, does that make you a dull person or someone with an uninteresting life?" questioned Alden.

"Are you unhappy?", he queried.

"No!" groaned Una, though she was surprised at herself for how swiftly she dismissed his question while sensing a battle of conflicts going on, inside her.

"Guess, that settles it." claimed Alden. He had that smirk on his face. Una hated it. She knows it all too well. He thinks he has won another argument over her. That smirk is his winning trophy to show off.

Una just let out a sigh and squizzed to the other side of the street.

"What's that!?" queried Una, pointing her finger to the side where she was looking at. It looked like a parallel street behind the one they were walking. The place could not be seen clearly because of the tall buildings and trees, covering the view.

"Let's go and take a look there" suggested Una, curious as to the new places she is seeing, the existence of which she had little or no knowledge about.

"Oh that's just a trash place!!" said Alden much to the surprise of Una. He knew about it? How come? Why he didn't tell me about it? Questions flashed through her mind.

"How do you know!!?" asked Una, demanding an explanation from Alden with her look.

"Well, Eldwyn...." started Alden.

"Oh yes! Eldwyn obviously!!" Una rolled her eyes.

"Haha...well...He kind of knows these places better than us, I guess. We had a sneak around that place while we walked along this street the other day" rebuffed Alden.

"Besides, it's one of the most untidy place I have ever seen. The street is not even paved. Your legs would hurt just by the sight of the state of it. Also, I have not seen many around there, other than one or two hippies" continued Alden.

"Whatever!! Now, I'm more curious than ever and I'm going to see what's going on there. You can tag along if you want or else you can stay here, enjoy this "perfectly fine" street by yourself" announced Una. Alden could see her face sparkling with enthusiasm and that smile she usually puts on, when she feels adventurous.

"Alright..." shrugged Alden turning his way towards the path to the parallel road.

"Hold on a second" said Una stopping Alden from making progress.

""To the untidy street!" chuckled Una, waving her  hand as if she was welcoming him, mimicking him from his earlier gesture.

"After you, drama queen!" scoffed Alden.

Una winked at him before bursting into laughter and they both set out on their way to the street behind.

Chapter 4: The Street

Mysterious. Serene. Seraphic.

Those were the words came running into her mind when Una stepped into the hidden street behind the beautiful one which she discovered only a few minutes ago. Unlike the beautiful street which gave her an odd vibe even with all the beauty around, this place made her feel so peaceful with herself at that moment. It was as if she had finally found her "home". She felt like something inside her, telling her that she belonged to that place even though she was seeing it for the very first time in her entire life. That's strange!!

"It is ghastly, isn't it? I did warn you!" said Alden, mistaking the puzzled look on Una's face for panicking.

Una didn't reply anything. Instead, she walked further, slowly, looking at the dusty place around her with a lot of eagerness. Confused, Alden followed her silently.

"You look like you finally found home!" said Alden, chuckling.

Una turned her head and stared at him, surprised!! Did he just read my mind? She thought.

Before Una could assemble any words to conjure her bewilderment, Alden spoke again.

"Well, with all the crazy ways you have been acting up lately, I wouldn't be surprised if you would actually go on and say that!!", he mocked.

Una let a sigh of disappointment and shaking her head slightly, continued moving forward with Alden following her.

The place did look ghastly. Alden wasn't wrong completely. But, despite the untidy look, it had an aura. A sense of poise.
Maybe it is only ironic that these places stay adjacent to each other, Una thought. If only she could magically merge the two places, that would be heaven right there on earth!

"Come on, it's getting dark. Let's go back", Alden's voice interrupted her thoughts once again. She looked around. It is getting dark. She wanted to stay and explore more. But, knowing how Alden is, she replied:

"Yeah, probably. But, I want to come here again. I am going to!"

Alden gave an "improbable" look to her, before saying: 
"Whatever! We will see about that, now it's time to return, mademoiselle!

Una didn't hear any of it. She was walking away from the place with a fervor to come back to that place again.

Chapter 5: Let's go Alden!

Wake up!
Wake up, Alden"

Una waggled Alden, to wake him up from his sleep.

Rubbing his eyes, Alden woke up. Clearly annoyed, he asked:
"What's wrong with you? Why are you here so early?"

"Take a look outside!" replied Una.

Alden took a peek outside. "What is it?" He asked.

"The sun is shining..." said Una.

"That's what the Sun does in the morning, dumbo. In fact, that's what it does all the time, we are just here to face that truth every 12 hours" Alden yawned...

"The birds are chirping.." continued Una.

"No shit, Sherlock!" Alden rolled his eyes and peeped outside the window and then said "Sometimes I do feel like I don't appreciate your genius as much as I should!"

Una giggled.

"So, what else is news? Wait let me guess, the sky is blue? Water is wet?" mocked Alden.

"Don't you think it's a good day to let go to waste by staying inside and being lazy!?" asked Una, bringing a smile on to her face while shrugging her shoulders followed by a wink.

She is getting good at this!

Alden let out a deep sigh before asking :

"Okay revenge queen, we will go out! Happy?"

Una just nodded in agreement.

Walking into his bathroom, Alden shouted, "So where do you want to go today?"

He didn't hear her reply.

He shouted once again "Hey, where are we going?"

Only silence followed.

Letting out another deep sigh, he shouted again:
"Hey drama queen, stop fooling around and tell me where you want to...."

That's when it struck Alden.

He stormed out of bathroom in his bathrobe.

"No way! Don't tell me that we are going there again!"

Una just shrugged again.

"You're going crazy, do you know that? One of these days you're going to turn into an absolute lunatic! Don't expect me to sway to your tune when that happens" groaned Alden, before heading back into the bathroom.

"What is it with that place anyway? There isn't even anything worth seeing in that shithole" Alden continued his grumble.

Una didn't say anything. She just moved close to the window and looked farther and sighed.

Chapter 6: The Mansion. 

A cool breeze touched her as Una stepped into the street again. It was as if the place was welcoming her back. She started walking forward while Alden walked beside her, continuing his complaints, which he was doing all the way along their walk to here. 

Una chose to ignore his complaints and continued checking out the place with much fascination. She could see the big colorful buildings and houses on the other side, on the beautiful street through the trees surrounding the place. She felt like the colors of those buildings were fading away. Maybe they didn't. Maybe she was thinking and imagining too much. She gathered her focus back and strolled her way forward. 

As they walked much further, she saw something shining bright in the distance. She started scurrying towards it. Alden was quick to respond, screaming:
"Hey, where are you running off to? Wait for me!!"

As they approached the shiny thing, it started getting bigger and bigger. It was no longer a tiny "shiny thing". Una realized what it is. It's a mansion! Not just any mansion. A huge golden mansion!! A golden mansion in a ruin like this? Una couldn't wait to get there. She started dashing towards its direction. Alden struggled to catch up with her and screamed to her to slow down. 

Panting heavily, she stood right in front of that huge building. She has never seen anything like it ever. It might be the biggest structure around. She was surprised, why no one has ever talked about it or why she never heard about it. Also arousing her curiosity, as she looked around she could not find a single soul anywhere around that magnificent piece of structure. A golden mansion, right at the end of the ruins, she just could not believe what she was witnessing. 

"What has gotten into you?? You are seriously turning into a nutcase" roared Alden, finally catching up with her. 

She just stayed silent, looking at that huge mansion, waiting for Alden to go crazy and start babbling when he finally sees what is situated right in front of them. 

A moment or two passed as Una waited for the reaction from Alden, except that it never came. 

Una turned around thinking, where is this idiot looking at? To much of her astonishment, he was looking directly at the direction of the mansion. But, there was something missing. His eyes didn't light up, he wasn't amazed, his jaw didn't drop, his whole reaction was as if he has just went blind to not to see the most magnificent sight, which Una has ever seen in her life. 

She turned around again and looked at the huge mansion. It is right there. There is no way he cannot see this glorious thing, standing tall right in front of them. She moved a step closer to the building. It was all golden. The walls, the whole structure, the gate. The Gate! That's when she noticed it. The gate is half open. She could see the inside of it through the opening. She took a step further to get a better view. 

Now, she had much clear and a wider view of the inside. The whole place was shining. Everything about it was golden. Who can possibly build such an extravagant building? In a place like this. Even the richest person in the world wouldn't dare to pull off such a stunt! - Una thought.

Oh God! Even the door and windows are made of gold! She felt like the whole place was hypnotic. That's when she saw that sight. She could not believe her eyes. 

It can't be!! - she thought.

After a moment of tranquility as if she was bound under a spell, Una looked over her shoulder with her eyes widened, and looked at Alden to see his reaction. He was standing there looking dubiously at Una. Soon, she realized that his look was not for what she had just seen. He is staring at her for her antics. 

Una felt like the whole thing is a dream. It felt funny because usually she could never feel dreaming, or she could never remember any of her dreams. 

Una stared into the inside of the mansion through the gate, once again. 
It cannot be! 
But, she is still seeing it. 

It's a boy! 
It's a boy standing right in front of the door. He is wearing a golden hat and a golden suit. He is standing there nonchalantly, looking directly into her eyes!! 

She felt like the boy was trying to say something. Maybe, calling out her name. How does he know her name? What is he trying to say? That's when she noticed the chain around the boy's neck. Goes without saying, it is golden too. 

Is that a key attached to that chain, why is it golden? Why is everything golden? Why am I standing here as if I'm hypnotized. 

She wasn't scared. Even with all the crazy feeling going in her head, she just felt home. She felt as if she belonged at that place, at that very moment, looking into the boy's eyes as he smiled at her and he was saying something inaudible to her. Her thoughts began to escalate. 

"Why are you staring into that dump!?" 
It was Alden speaking.

A dump?? 
Una came back to her senses once again. 
She looked around her shoulder to see Alden looking at her cautiously, asking once again:

"Why are you staring into that dump!?"

He must be joking, thought Una. She turned her head back again, now beginning to get all sweaty and nervous with all what has been going on for the last few moments. There it is, standing breathtakingly beautiful, right in front of her - the mansion. The Golden mansion! The boy is still there. Standing right in front of the door, holding the key and saying something which is still inaudible to her. 

"Come on! Let's go!! You're sweating like a pig. The sun is getting to you, I guess." said Alden while wrapping her around his arms and started walking away from the place. 

Glancing back once again, Una was in all sorts of confused state of mind. A dump? He called it a dump!! Is that what he saw? Why he hasn't mentioned a word about the huge mansion? Or why hasn't anyone ever mentioned it? How did the boy knew her name? What was he trying to say!? 

Una started to breathe heavily, and rested her head on Alden's shoulder as they walked away. 

Her mind was still asking several questions! 

"Why didn't he mention anything about it?" 

"There is no way he could miss the whole magnificent thing, unless he is absolutely blind"


Her heart started racing...

"Or was all my imagination...after all I might be turning into a crazy as Alden said!!"

Chapter 7: See you later, alligator.

"How are you feeling now!?"

Alden's voice fell on her ears as she opened her eyes slowly. Her head was feeling heavy, and she felt dizzy as she tried to lift her head. 

"It's alright. Don't get up! Stay in bed for some more time. You need rest." advised Alden. 

"What happened!?" asked Una, as she frantically tried to gather her memory together.

"Well..I should be asking that to you. You owe me an explanation of what has happened!" replied Alden. 

"Anyway, don't think about it for the time being. You need to rest." he continued. 

"I...I can't...I can't remember...I was standing in that street...I was looking at that mansion..." stuttered Una as she tried to recollect what has happened.

"Dump".. Alden's voice broke her line of thoughts.

"...What!!?" she asked.

" were staring at that dump! You said mansion. What mansion!?" questioned Alden. 

Una looked at his face. He was gazing at her, in anticipation of an answer. 

He can't be joking now. He looked dead serious. Also, now won't be a good time to play one of his tricks. He is smart enough to know that, ruminated Una. 

She looked into his eyes for a moment before started talking again. 

"Yes..dump..I meant that. I can only remember looking into that and then...." she stopped.

"Then...!?" probed Alden. 

His face was now filled with curiosity. But he still looked at her like, he was seeking something to come out of her mouth, as he looked in anticipation. 

"...then... then I cannot remember much...I remember us started walking back from there...but...but..then again it's all blank..!"

" You freaked out!!" said Alden as he stood up from the chair beside her bed. Una felt like she had seen a look a disappointment on his face. Maybe, he was expecting her to talk about something out of ordinary, something...

Alden's voice slashed through her thoughts. 

"... What!?" asked Una, looking all pale and flabbergasted.

"I was saying that you freaked out as if you saw something supernatural!! I was even worried that you actually turned into a lunatic, although I was only joking all the other time" explained Alden. 

Any idea of describing what she had actually seen, to Alden, had to be discarded, thought Una. She do not want him to freak out at her right now. Furthermore, he might even start to believe that she had lost her mind. That might even take him away from her. 

All of a sudden, she was frightened at the thought of being alone. Without having Alden by her side. She felt like she may not be capable enough to handle that. 

"No.. nothing of that sort..." she spoke softly. Her voice lowered, "I can't remember a thing after that!" 

"Anyway, I'm glad with the news that you're not crazy", Alden tried to humour. 

Una just glared at him. 

"Well, now that you're up and alright, I should be get going. Guess what!? Eldwyn's folks bought a new home in that beautiful street we went the other day. They are throwing a party next weekend. So he has asked me to help them move in and arrange everything by the time for party" said Alden as he put on his jacket. 

"See you later, alligator" 
Alden waved his hands on his way out. 

Una waved back with a smile! 

As soon as he closed the door behind him, Una's thoughts ran back to the mansion and the boy.

"Was it a dream? An imagination?.... No. I have seen it clearly. There was a golden mansion and a boy inside it. I can still remember it. If it was only a dream, or a figment of imagination, I would not have remembered it so clearly, each and every detail about that mansion even now." Una tried to convince herself. 

But, she was still uncertain about how to talk about it to others, especially to Alden. She could not risk losing him. She could not stop thinking about the mansion too. 

"I have to find a way out of this" she blurted out as a deep sigh escaped her. 

Chapter 8: The boy!

Una had her eyes fixed on the boy. 

The boy in the painting, which was hung on her bedroom wall. It was the painting known as "The crying boy" by an Italian painter called Giovanni Bragolin. The boy in the painting reminded Una of the boy she had seen in the mansion. Except that in the painting the boy was crying, instead of smiling, with tears brimming down his eyes. But she could feel those eyes. 

It has been several days since Una had left her room, let alone her house. Alden had visited her a few times. He has been busy with helping Eldwyn and his family with moving in to their new home and organizing for the big party in the weekend. He was also getting frustrated with Una's cold nature of behavior recently, especially after that incident. He tried to get her out for a walk or to go to a party with him, which she declined. She could not feel the connection anymore. Not just with Alden, but with the entire world. Not that she did not care. In truth, she was very much afraid of driving Alden away with her actions, yet, she couldn't help it. She felt like something was missing from her heart. Something big. Sometimes, she even felt that it's her soul that she was missing. 

Also, there were times, she could feel the presence of the little boy she had seen at the mansion, around her. She could feel his eyes gazing at her, his moving lips, which was trying to say something to her. She even felt like the boy was waving the key, the golden key, to her. She could no longer tell apart from the reality and the dreams or imagination. 

"Knock knock!"

She has been brought to the real world from her rumination, when she heard a couple of knocks on her door. 

"Who's it?" she asked.

"It's me, who else!?"

That was Alden's voice. 

She felt a sudden ripple of joy, bursting in her heart. She felt relaxed, safe, upon hearing his voice again. She got up from her bed and walked over to the door and opened the door. 

"Still being a melancholic drama queen!?" he asked while entering her room and placing himself on the chair beside the window. 

She walked back silently to her bed and sat on it. Her eyes caught the eyes of the boy on the painting once again. 

"You do know that this one is a cursed painting, don't you!?" 

She steered her way in Alden's direction upon his question. 

"What!?" she blurted. 

"This one. The painting you have on your wall. The one of the crying boy. Well...that's the name of it. "The crying boy". Well, who am I kidding? You ought to be knowing that!!" said Alden.

"Yes..yes, I do know that! It is by a painter called Giovanni Bragolin" replied Una. 

"Yes..yes, you're right! So, you must be knowing that they are called the cursed paintings. There's been a bunch of them. He has made a series of paintings of crying kids. That's kind of sick though. Who would paint a bunch of paintings with crying faces of kids, unless they are very mentally sick or deeply "disconnected" or "artistic" as you might put down. No wonder they are cursed!!." continued Alden. 

"I have heard a few things..." Una mumbled. 

"Few things!? There are lot of stories on these things. All kind of. Well, as a matter of fact, some are very substantial ones. Most of the places where these were hung on, has been doomed. Most of them caught fire and brought down to ashes. Guess what was the only thing refused to catch fire?...or who was the only one came out untouched by the flames? Yes..this little fella right there!!" said Alden feverishly by pointing at the painting. 

" You don't believe all that, do you!? Those could very well be some theories" proposed Una. 

"Well, sometimes you got to believe what you see!!" Alden uttered. 

That hit Una. 
What did he say? Was that a sign? 

"You cannot believe everything you see right?" she queried.

"Why not?" he snapped back. 

"Well...I don't know... Okay...what if you see something and no one else can see it!? Makes any sense?...What if that happens!!?" Una raised a question slowly and carefully, looking for a reaction from Alden. 

"Well, in that case I would say the person has gone crazy!! The same as those UFO theorists. Bunch of mentally ill, lying weirdos!" scorned Alden. 

Una didn't say anything as a reply. Instead, she just tilted her head and looked at that painting again. 

"Speaking of paintings, what have you decided" asked Alden. 

Una looked at him before bowing her head, fixing her eyes on her fingers, her hand, laid on the bed. She has been thinking about it a lot lately. About her decision. What she wanted to do with her life. It has been distressing her as much as the mansion thing. She loved paintings, she loved to paint, probably more than anything. But her parents wanted her to follow a much safer option. Alden too. They were trying to convince her of the complications of choosing the life of a painter, for a while.

"Maybe, they are right. I should be following a safer path. An uncomplicated life.." she thought, filled with indecisiveness. 

All of a sudden a strange feeling gripped her. There it is. It was happening again. She could feel the eyes of the boy on her again. She felt like he was standing around the corner, smiling, trying to talk, waving the key! It's happening all over again!! 

Una drowned her head between her palms, before lifting her head and locking her eyeballs with Alden's. 

"I'll take a decision, tomorrow" she said. 

"Perfect!!" he replied. 

Una gave him a puzzled look. 

"You're coming with me to Eldwyn's folk's party tomorrow!" said Alden in an authoritative voice. 

"NO!!!! Una moved her head side to side, letting him know her opinion. 

"Yes, you are!!" he insisted.

"You know how I feel about parties and stuff. I am bad at social gatherings! You, of all people, should know that!" cried Una. 

"Yes! That is exactly why you're coming with me, tomorrow. You cannot be sitting in this dark room all day long, staring at that stupid painting. That alone would make you go crazy. I am beginning to wonder if you already have!" he blustered.

"We will go to the party. Meet a bunch of people. You know Eldwyn and his family. They could give you some advice or help you with your decision-making process!!" he continued. 

Una only looked at him helplessly. She wanted to say no, but she was scared of pissing him off. That would only make her more depressed than she already is. 

"Okay..." she said softly. 

"Alright!!" sighed Alden. "I will pick you up in the evening!"

"Now, stop staring at that damn painting, throw it away or something, and cheer up. You may well think more about what you gonna do! See you tomorrow then!!" said Alden bidding adieu to her on his way out. 

Una closed her eyes and took a deep breath! She could not behold the idea of herself in a party. Among the people. Now, she had no choice. She had to go with Alden. Also, she had a decision to take. 

A cool breeze touched her. She opened her eyes. The curtains on the window were moving slowly in the wind, and she could see the boy standing there, close to her window. 

The boy from the mansion. 

Smiling and waving directly at her!! 

Chapter 9: The decision

"There you are!!" Eldwyn rushed to embrace Alden. Then shifting his focus to Una, he said..

"You must be Una!!" 

Una smiled at him and gave a little nod. 

"Heard great things about you from this fella!" said Eldwyn, patting on Alden's shoulder. 

Una and Alden glanced at each other. Alden shrugged indicating he couldn't help, smiling. 

"Well..come on in! Let's get a drink for both of you!!" Eldwyn invited them to the other side of the hall where the drinks are being served. 

Una clinched Alden's hand, raising her eyebrows. Alden lowered his head to her ears and whispered...

"Come on! It's only a drink. A glass of fine wine. One or two, for that matter. We are not going to get wasted or anything."

Una just sighed. 

"What are you waiting for? Come over here!" Eldwyn waved at them, asking them to join him while walking towards the corner of the hall. 

Alden ushered Una through the crowd. Una clinched her hand to her dress, lifting it a little bit to avoid falling over while tiptoeing through the crowd and she tried her best to avoid eye contacts with others present in the room. 

Eldwyn handed them each a glass of wine as they reached the counter. 

"Though, he has said many things about you, he never mentioned that you were so beautiful" said Eldwyn looking at Una and pointing his finger at Alden, with a smile. 

"It'll take a little bit more than that to impress her!" Alden winked at Eldwyn before patting on his shoulder as if to console. 

The three of them shared a laughter. 

"So I hear that you are in a dilemma" said Eldwyn, pointing his glass towards Una. 

Una looked at Alden while finishing the sip of wine, she was having. Her face looked confused. 

"He is talking about your decision." said Alden. 

Una looked at Eldwyn, shrugged her shoulders indicating her indecisiveness. 

"Alden has told me that you want to be a painter!"
Eldwyn pointed out. 

Una nodded in agreement. 

"You might not like some random guy who you just met dishing out career advises for you, but having had the experience of a successful college life and tasting success now at work, I would advise you to get your life settled first, before setting out to change the world with your passion." asserted Eldwyn. 

"You tell her that!" Alden declared his support to Eldwyn's opinion. 

Glancing at Alden and shifting back his focus to Una with a smile, Eldwyn continued:

"You know, what do you need in life? Money. You might take me for a douche but that's a fact!"

Una just listened to him silently. 

"Unless you are rich or famous, nobody is going to care about you. Unless you create a Monalisa or Starry right, unless you are a Picasso or Dali, nobody is going to discuss your paintings, no matter how stupid or beautiful they look. And, even those guys never made it in their lives. What's the point of getting famous and rich and accepted after your fossil turned into oil!" he argued.

Una took another sip of wine while keeping her eyes on him. She was getting uncomfortable. But, she did not know what to reply or how to put her feelings or thoughts into words. 

"So you should set your priorities right. You can choose a life of security, where you can still keep your hobby on fringes. It's a win-win situation. Or else, you should choose a life of potential richness and fame, potential recognition, a potential know what I am saying, a life full of uncertainties!" he continued echoing his thoughts. 

"...And I wouldn't recommend the latter. Anyway, you're not gonna die tomorrow. There's plenty of time to go back to what you love after making some money. If I were you, I would choose the first choice. The secure one. It will make you happy. Trust me. I made that choice and look at me, I am happy..!!" Eldwyn widened his arms to both sides with a wide grin, which disappeared from his face as quick as it surfaced and got replaced with a wry smile. 

"....more than ever!" he muttered while looking away from both of them and taking a gulp of wine from the glass. 

"Anyway, I hope that you'll make the right choice." said Eldwyn while loosening his collar. 

"God! I shouldn't be drinking a lot. It gets me sweating" he declared. 

"Alright, I will have to head over to meet some other guests.." he said while placing his hand on Alden's shoulder. 

" Too bad my parents are busy. They would have been able to give you a better advice!" he said to Una. 

Una just smiled at him. 

"Have a few more drinks. We will catch up later!" he said before playfully giving a fist to a grinning Alden's chest, and walking away. 

"Great guy!!" Alden said, finishing his glass of wine. 

He looked at Una and she already had her eyes on him. 

"What!!?" he enquired. 

"We need to talk!" said Una. "Also this place is giving me creeps. I need some fresh air..let's get out!" she asked. 

"Well... alright...! Okay!!" he said in a confused tone. 

They both swam through the crowd and got out of the place. The house looked beautiful. All the houses in that street looked beautiful. Through the fading sunlight, she could see the street across. The untidy one. The one with the mansion. 

"What's the matter!?" asked Alden. 

"I have made my decision." she said. 

"Yes!? So fast!? Wow! Eldwyn is a sweet talker, isn't he??" he laughed. 

"He always had the right choice of words. I have no idea how he does that!!" he said through his laughter. 

"So what is it that you decided!?" he couldn't contain his curiosity. 

"I will tell you. But, before that I need to go somewhere" she said. 

"Go where!? We are already outside." he was all confused again. 

Una lifted her hand and pointed towards the street across. 

"What!!? You must be kidding me, right!?" roared Alden. 

"We are at a great party and you asked me to come out in this cold and now you want to go to that ghetto!?" he was beginning to get furious. 

"There's something else..!" she said calmly. 

"What else!? You tell me everything right now or I am about to get real mad at you!" Alden shouted. 

"I will tell you everything on our way over there, I promise" she held his hands in assurance. 

He took a look across the street and with a big sigh he said " Alright! This will be the last time we will ever be going there and you better come up with a really good reason to not to get me seriously mad at you!"

Una nodded. 

"Alright then let's get moving and you start talking!!" he said as he put on his coat and stormed towards the direction of the street. 

Una followed him quickly as she was about to tell him everything that has happened. 

Chapter 10: What have I done?

"A who!!?" 

Alden looked flummoxed while asking that !! 

" A boy!!'

Una's voice cracked while saying that. She already began to regret her decision to tell Alden about the mansion and the boy. From the look on his face, she could tell that he is not going to believe any of it. 

"And this boy is living in this mansion!?" Alden threw another question on her way. 

"No..he doesn't..No! I don't know!!" Una felt helpless trying to explain.

"....I don't know if he lives there or not. He was just standing front of the door."

"A golden door I suppose!!" interrupted Alden.

That reply carried the weight of a regret in her voice. 

"A golden mansion, a golden gate, a boy with a golden key and now a golden door too!!?" Alden was shaking his head hard. 

"And what does this boy has to do with you!?" he asked!! 

"I don't know...I felt like he was smiling at me, like he was trying to talk to me...say something to me..then..I don't know...I think I saw him waving the key...and...and..." Una had no idea how to explain what she wanted to say next.

"..and??" Alden asked immediately.

"...and then..." Una paused! 

"And then what!? For God's sake Una! Just tell me the goddamn thing!! And then what??" Alden was losing his patience steadily. 

"I started seeing him around. Everywhere. Wherever I looked, wherever I went. I don't know if he was really there or not. I don't know if I really saw him...yes! I saw him..I saw him by the window!! But...but the other times, I don't know...I am not sure. But, I could feel his presence around me...his eyes!! He was still trying to tell me something... smiling...waving the key..." Una stammered through her explanation.

Alden looked at her sympathetically. 

"Oh Una!! Do you hear yourself!? How crazy it sounds?? I mean, look at you!! Who are you? What happened to you? What happened to the Una, I know...the Una, I knew because I don't know "you"!!" he gasped. 

"I think you are ill, Una. You're losing it. You're imagining stuff. Seeing things which don't even exist. You're having hallucinations...I don't know..I don't know what it could be? Maybe you're bipolar, or a schizophrenic..I don't know, you look depressed, you hate socializing, most of the times you just sit there and gaze without any word, you don't react anymore to anything...I think I have read that these are all symptoms of person with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia!!"  Alden summed up!! 

Una felt broken. She wanted to cry. She wished she could. But she couldn't. It was as if her emotions were drying out. She felt like she was losing her soul. Her mind. 

Alden stayed silent for a moment. Una looked pale as death. 

After a while he stood up. Una was still. 

"You have to get this out of your mind, Una. You have to forget about it. There is no mansion, no boy, nothing!!" he held her face in his hands. 

Una looked at him feebly. 

Alden took another moment of pause as if he was thinking about something. Then he looked at her again, holding her face more close to him, and asked:

"Will you do as I say?" 

Una looked at him puzzled. 

"I think I have got an idea to get this damn thing out of your mind" he continued. 

"Will you do as I ask you to do!?" he asked again. 

Una nodded in agreement. She no longer knew what to think or do on her own. She just wanted to feel normal again. She was scared of losing her mind, and Alden! 

"Okay..then let's go!!" he said.

Una looked at him confused. 

"We are going to your golden mansion. We will go there and tell me when you see it and I will tell you what to do. Alright!?" he asked. 

Una didn't understand what he was implying, but she nodded again in agreement, and they both started walking. 

Una stopped after a while, there it was! The Golden mansion. Standing high. 

"Here!?" Alden asked, looking around.

Una moved her head to hint "No", then pointed her finger towards the mansion. It was a few metres away. 

Alden looked in that direction and said:
"Alright, let's go there!!" 

Una's heart started racing as they approached the mansion. Even in the moonlight it was glowing like a sun. 

She stopped once again. This time, when they reached in front of the mansion. 

"Here!?" Alden asked again. 

Una nodded a "yes". 

"Can you see the mansion!?"  he asked. 

Una nodded again. 

"Do you see the boy!?" he asked her.

Una took a few steps forward. The gate was still almost half open. She peeped inside through the gate. 

There he was. The boy. He was sitting there. He is not smiling. His face looked gloomy. He, now resembled "the crying boy". He was sitting there as if he was waiting for someone. Suddenly he lifted his head up and he saw her. Una's heart skipped a beat. He got up quickly. The smile was back again, on his face. He called her name. At least, she felt like she heard him calling her name. He started waving the key to her. Una looked at him curiously. She was not aware of what was happening around her anymore. She had the feeling of being home again. A cold breeze touched her. She felt hypnotized, and started walking towards the boy. As she approached him, he looked more joyous. 

All of a sudden the smile vanished from the boy's face. He looked scared. Fear encroached all over his face. He stopped waving the key. 

What happened?? Una thought. Why is he scared? 

He is looking at her! No, he isn't. He is looking somewhere else!! Behind her. 

Una turned. 

There she saw Alden standing at the gate. The gate of the mansion. 

"What is happening!? How is it possible!?" she felt bewildered. 

"Do you see the boy!?" he asked loudly.

Una turned her head and looked at the boy. He is frightened. 

Una nodded. 

"He has the key with him!?" Alden asked loudly!

Una looked for the key. The boy has now moved his hand behind his back hiding the key and moving his head from side to side. 

Una's heart was racing fast. She felt like it's going to burst soon. 

She nodded again. 

"Get it and throw it to me!!" said Alden. 

Una turned and looked at him in shock. 

"Don't think. Do it!" he shouted. 

Una felt like the whole world was crumbling around her. She turned towards the boy again. As she got hold of his hand, tears started rolling down his cheeks. Una snatched the key from his hand forcefully and turned and threw it towards Alden. 

She has now lost her idea of reality and dream. 

"And now...." Alden continued. 

Una lifted her gaze to him. 

"Kill him!!" 

Alden ordered. 

Una felt like a lightning ran through her body. She could not believe what she just heard. 
She looked at Alden, in disbelief. 

"Do it!! Now!!" screamed Alden. 

Una felt like screaming too. Her body was trembling. She was breathing heavily. For the first time in her life, she was experiencing a nightmare. A nightmare which she could no longer say if it was real or not. 

She just wanted it to end. 

She turned towards the boy. 

He was now looking at Una, horrified. 

Una heard him saying "No! Please..Una, No!! 

Or she felt like hearing him saying so. 

She could no longer handle anymore voices. 
She grabbed the boy by his neck. Forcing both her hands around his neck. He had the same look as the crying boy now. Tears brimming down from his eyes, looking helpless. 

Una strengthened her grip. She was suffocating him. His resistance began to grow weak. She felt like he tried to call her name, one last time before going still. 

Una placed his body on the ground. She was shattered. 

"What have I done!?" she thought to herself. 

Then she looked over her shoulder towards the gate. 

Alden was standing there. He was tossing the key in his hands. He had an unusual, wicked smile on his face. Then, he turned and threw the key to a distance. 

"What is he doing??" Una tried to get up quick.

Alden turned towards her once again, his smile has now turned devilish. 

Una tried to run towards him. 

Alden closed the door hard!! 

Darkness prevailed over the place. 

There was no more stars or the moon! 

It was only darkness.

Pitch black!! 


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