Review : The Souvenir

"The Souvenir" is a drug. To all the aesthetic cinema lovers, to the ones who loves subtle character developments within the movie, to the ones who takes pleasure in watching a beautiful movie - filling your heart with admirable filmmaking, breathtaking cinematography and brilliant acting.

In Joanna Hogg's new film, for which she has drawn inspiration from her own life and experiences, she tells us the story of a woman caught up between her ambition, dreams, insecurities and desire to be acknowledged and loved. Julie, a film student coming from a well off family, for which she is almost apologetic, is looking for finding a place of her own. She is smart, creative and has all the ideas to make it. Yet, she yearns for affection, assurance and adversities, the lack of latter makes her almost feel guilty and even shameful at instances, which in turn makes you wonder if she is even ungrateful towards her caring family - too caring in Julie's regards, has done and been doing for her. That is when Anthony comes into her life. A gentleman with a well respected job and demeanour. He was everything Julie looking for - caring, loving, romantic, moreover an honest critic to her ideas and creativity. She starts to look up to him and in no time, they began a complicated, true yet toxic romance, as the story unfurls in it's full complexities and beauty. Just like a slow drug.

It is no news that Tilda Swinton is one of the greatest actress of our generation and just in her second film, Honor Swinton Byrne - her daughter, proves to us that the apple has not fallen far from the tree. Honor gives a very strong and truthful performance. She is able to produce all the complexities of Julie, just in the perfect manner, which would surely make her much acclaimed mother so proud of. Tilda also joins the cast, fittingly, as Julie's mother and though her screentime is very limited she, for sure, gives us a glimpse of why she is Tilda Swinton! Another remarkable performance from the movie was by Tom Burke who played the character of Anthony in all it's glory. We feel annoyed, sympathetic and even empathize with Anthony and often wonder what Julie sees in him, to have that strong hold over her which makes her almost incapable of leaving him behind.

The Souvenir, named after a painting of the same name by Jean-Honore Fragonard, is as moving and beautiful as the painting. It is a "painting" Joanna Hogg can rightfully proud of!


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