Review: Spencer

Spencer is not an easy watch. The director succeeds in taking us through the distraught mind of Princess Diana during one of her final vacations with the royal family. It borders on fiction rather than facts and focuses mainly on weighing the disillusionment and struggles of a person who is surrounded by a stifled environment and people alike and how it can take a toll on the mental health. The background score complements the subject with its haunting music. Incidentally the last time that I felt a movie blended the uneasiness of human mind with music that shakes your own happened was with a movie from the same director. In many ways, Spencer makes you draw parallel with Jackie. Just like Natalie Portman did with Jackie, Kristen Stewart shoulders the movie well on almost on her own with a performance that will finally put an end to any doubters of her acting chops. Much like Robert Pattinson she had evolved her acting to another level, notably ever since "The personal shopper". Spencer is more of an opera than a movie and one which you wouldn't' want to miss. 


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