Review: Guillermo del Toro 's Pinnochio

A wonderful, wonderful movie!! My first of the new year and am i happy for choosing it to be the one and waiting for it. The wait was totally worth it. 
In an year where a giant of the movies like Disney also came out with a movie ofthe same plot and character, it takes immense courage to front them and come on top. Guillermo del Toro is more of a magician than an auteur. In this reimagination of the classic, he takes us to a magical world, as usual, sprinkling more magic with his own addition of unique magical creatures and surrounding evoking fond memories of his own masterpiece, Pan's labyrinth. It's certainly an accomplishment to the director and his team of technicians that their creations shine bright and makes the similiar ones,made by those at none other than the Disney's, pale in comparison. It's no mean feat and they deserve all the praise and applauses for that victory. 
This is easily a masterpiece and another jewel in the already shining crown of Guillermo del Toro. The way he maneuvered the plot, carefully taking it into a magical world without losing its touch of reality while lacing some wonderful philosophical thoughts into it and making it even more worthwhile is probably something only he can achieve among the current lot. His knack of tugging the chords of emotions of the audience and even making them feel for imaginative other worldly creations, is quite unparalleled and in that area, he has probably outdone the once a master of it, the one and only Spielberg himself. 
Undoubtedly one of the best in the recent times. 


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